Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flat Tire CHP weird night...

So I got settled in, and finally got to watch the Social Network when my dad calls me and tells me that my mom got a flat a few offramps from my place and asked me to accompany him so I can deal with AAA when they arrived. When I got there my mom told me that she was about 50ish feet from the offramp so she winged it and drove on the rim until she got to the base of the ramp and pulled over. Thats not where the amusement started. Its when I arrived and my parents took off when a CHP pulled over a station wagon for speeding or cutting lanes when exiting the freeway that amused me. The driver was a bit panicky and the CHP had to use his mic to make the driver pull foward more. The passenger got out and stood as the CHP ran wants and warrents. I guess the driver got off with a warning because I didn't see the CHP walk back to the car. 5 minutes later the driver pulled away leaving the passenger there. The AAA guy and I were kinda joking around bou this and finished putting the fugly spare on my mom's Prius. Speaking of which I need to leave a breaker bar in her car next time around.


I was hoping for a 5150 or 1199 call. But those are pretty rare to see in my area. No photos this time because I know better then to photograph a CHP officer when business is being handled and its not my affair.


- Kirk out.

Posted via email from devilsushi's posterous

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